MA and I are planning another trip, a cruise leaving from New York sailing north to Boston, Bar Harbor, Newport, St. John and Halifax. We leave October 9th flying to New York City and boarding Princess cruise liner. It's a round trip so we return to NYC and fly back home to Houston. Watch for more.
Our last trip to Alaska and Victoria, BC, Canada can be viewed at the below link:
We learned a few things from that trip the main thing being we can travel lighter, take less clothing and be a lot happier. We got some smaller suitcases and planning on traveling "lite".
I also got a different bag to carry my camera equipment, tripod, binos and spotting scope. I had squeezed everything in a LowePro shoulder bag and it was HEAVY. I bought a LowePro rolling case and I can get everything in it including the laptop computer. It is also a "carryon" which means it stays with me and goes in the overhead.
These two vultures approached the Continental ticket line and the clerk asked if they had any bags to check and they replied, "no, only carry-on".
I've been reading about some of the stops were are going to make on this cruise and we might just hit the fall colors on the head. I'll keep you posted.